Tina Johnson is a mompreneur, wife and creator of Adore Mugs and Mom-All-In One. Tina is part of Leading with Lee's Boss Mom Feature Series where we celebrate and honor supermoms around the world for Mother's Day. Check out her interview below.
1. Tell Us About Yourself & Your Business
My name is Tina Johnson, wife and mom to four children, two being step children (but I don't really call them step). I am co-creator of a Mug company called Adore Mugs for 2 years now and I have created a Mom Community within the past year called Mom-All-In One. I started all of this living in the DC area and have relocated to Las Vegas, NV within the last 9 months.
2. How do you balance out the mom-boss life?
There is absolutely no way I could do all that I do without prayer and a detailed calendar, and I swear by it each and every week. It keeps me on track daily. Otherwise, there is no way I could keep up with my life and my children's lives as well. My two youngest children, are dancing and on a larger scale with opportunities to perform. I also co-authored a children's book with my youngest daughter and she is still very active with her book community.

3. Have you been home-schooling due to COVID-19? If so, how's your experience and what tips can you offer to other moms?
Since COVID-19, have been homeschooling. The first week was extremely chaotic and I recognized that we needed to get some structure. Both of my children work best with a routine, so my husband and I sat down with them and created one. We created a daily schedule for them to follow, both balancing their school work, activities and down time. Things have worked beautifully ever since. I know that every household does not work the same way, but the advice I would offer to Mom's would be to create a schedule or routine, but be willing to be fluid. Work some fun activities into the learning process with them in order to make the days fun and keep up on their work with them so that it helps to keep them motivated.
4. Name a lesson you've learned as a mom that you incorporated into your business.
What I have learned in both motherhood and business is that patience and communication are necessary. Both require a lot of it - a lot of being open and honest, but also listening. Working through issues and being patient enough to see the fruits of your labor blossom.
Stay connected with Tina:
@momallinone @adoremugs @iamtinajohnson
Interview by: Leading with Lee Magazine