Avoiding the summer slide for your child is extremely important. This is especially the case since everyone had to immediately switch to distance learning options. So in the summer months it’s great to have your child read for leisure. They may think it’s boring but there are a ton of ways to make it fun. Most children love playing bingo. Create a summer reading bingo sheet for home use. Include a variety of reading options and places to read for the individual squares. Here are some cool options:
Read the newspaper.
Read a magazine.
Read a book outdoors.
Read a book about an animal.
Read a book by an African American author.
Read a poem.
While you’re enjoying your summer reading, here are some neat books that are offered online from The Well Read Child Book Fair by author, Toni Settles.
Help your child make reading fun. Reading is fundamental and helps children explore. Reading books from African American authors make it extra special. For more information please visit www.wellreadchildbookfair.com.
Writer, Chaundra Scott, is a mother of one; author, social worker, early literacy interventionist and entrepreneur.