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Are You Sabotaging Your Wellness Journey?

As we continue to adjust to “our new normal,” we have encountered an unexpected problem- weight gain! Some of the contributing factors have been:

  1. Becoming more sedentary;

  2. Fighting boredom;

  3. Battling stress and uncertainty; and

  4. Finding healthy food.

The good news is that it’s not too late to reverse course and start over. As you embark on your new journey, be aware of the possible pitfalls that can derail your progress.

Not eating enough veggies! The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported, “In 2015, just 9% of adults met the intake recommendations for vegetables, ranging from 6% in West Virginia to 12% in Alaska. Only 12% of adults met the recommendations for fruit, ranging from 7% in West Virginia to 16% in Washington, D.C.” Lack of vegetables can place you at a higher risk for chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Try this: “Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is a cornerstone of good health. It helps control blood pressure and cholesterol, keeps arteries flexible, protects bones, and is good for the eyes, brain, digestive system, and just about every other part of the body. [1] ”Some ways to increase your intake include: branching out from the usual fruits and trying something new. If you haven’t considered mangoes, pineapples, or kiwi- don’t be afraid to try.

Eating in front of the TV: It’s common to eat while mindlessly scrolling through social media, checking your email, or watching a TV show. “If you’re eating in front of the TV (or computer, or smartphone, for that matter), chances are you’re paying more attention to what’s happening on the screen than to the spaghetti you’re putting into your mouth. This not only makes food less satisfying, but it makes it easier to miss cues that you’ve eaten enough, like seeing how much is gone from the plate or feeling that your stomach is getting full.”[1]

Try this: Make mealtime something you look forward to. Leave the screens off and instead sit down with a loved one to share a meal or try lighting candles to spice up your table setting. Suggestion: learn how to master mindful eating. “Mindful eating helps you distinguish between emotional and physical hunger. It also increases your awareness of food-related triggers and gives you the freedom to choose your response to them.”[2]

Overexercising: The mantra “eat less and move more” is touted as the end-all-be-all for getting healthy and losing weight. “One term that’s typically used to describe over-exercising is “exercise addiction,” which implies that the exerciser is hooked on the positive feelings they associate with working out. The term “compulsion,” on the other hand, implies that the exerciser doesn’t enjoy the exercise, but feels that they must continue it anyway, even if they’re sick or injured, or have to skip work or cancel social plans to do so.”[1]

Try this: Being active is enough for good health, and it should be whatever type of exercise you enjoy. Exercise should never be perceived as a punishment.

If you’re here looking to rebuild your confidence, life, and body and seeking the resources and personalized attention to reclaim your life after a setback or loss, you’ve arrived at the right place. I haven’t forgotten you, dearheart. The question is, “have you forgotten yourself? In mothering, caring for others, and being a supportive partner, you have forgotten that in order to give them 100%, you have to provide yourself with 100% first.

Are you ready to disrupt your patterns and uncover your ideal self? Then the ‘60 Day Slay’ is for you! Let’s do the work!

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